When most people think about commercial trucks, they imagine the big rigs and 18-wheel semis out on the freeway. They represent one aspect of commercial trucking; however, the vast majority of commercial trucks come in a smaller, more common variety. The average Joe who runs his independent business is much different from the long haul contractor out on the highway with his CB. Most small businesses do the majority of their driving and delivery i
My buddies and I are teachers, so we get the summers off. We are also all avid hunters. Hunting deer around Pennsylvania is okay, but you can only do it in Winter. We wanted to have a wild adventure in the hottest season of the year. We also wanted to put together a safari of sorts, hitting a lot of the places we had only dreamed about. Using an ATV in the woods is all right, but they tend to scare off the deer that are already scarce. We d
My family on my father’s side first settled in the Saint Lawrence River area in upstate New York. They started out as riverboat captains. My great, great grandfather ran a tour company that gave slow boat rides around the Thousand Islands Park. It was a lot of fun, and a great way to make a living. Tourists from all over the country would come in the summer and fall to see the beautiful water and islands that dotted the riv
The Mustang and I have a special relationship. We are both the same age. My earliest memories include my mother pulling up to my babsitter’s house in the back of a shiny yellow Mustang convertible. How was I to know that it was an instant classic? I was j
Do you know how important it is to take care about small things to avoid big destructions? Here is a quick guide containing instructions for drivers who ought to drive commercial trucks.
Stay away from other Auto.
Don't be too nearly behind the auto before you. You might think that you can suddenly press brakes at any point, however, sometime things go wrong. I remember an incident where driver pressed race instea