Posted on Jul 08th 2015
A compactor is a type of industrial vehicle that is use for soil compaction. Apart from the soil, it has many used like pressing and spreading the tar on the road, compressing soil or waste in order to reduce it etc. Whenever you need a compactor for any reason, you have to choose between buying it, and renting it. As it is an expensive machine, you have to choose carefully to get the best results. There are few things that you should pay special attention to. Here is a list of them.
- Type of soil
Before you buy or rent a compactor, make sure that you are totally familiar with the sol you want to compact. You need a different compactor for tough, dry and granular soil and a different one for the moist, smooth and sandy soil.
- Centrifugal Force
Different compactors come with different frequencies according to the centrifugal force they may acquire while soil compaction. You must choose the right ne according to the condition of the ground. You may need assistance of some technical person at this step if you are unfamiliar with frequencies and centrifugal force.
- Size of the lifts
The bigger the lifts, the more is the required vibratory force and weight. It is very important that you consider and analyze the weight of the compactor, its force and the thickness of the lifts in order to ensure the best results.
- The drum size
The drum size matters a little however, it is a common myth that bigger drum sizes are better. The size depends upon the purpose of use. The size of drum normally do not have anything to do with the performance. So, choose whatever size you like keeping in view the weight and force density.
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