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Product classification using AI and Machine Learning

Billions of products are sold online, and several stores are selling them. Matching and finding out a particular effect based on various parameters, like price comparison, becomes difficult because there are no unique identifying tools in place. To solve this problem, we can take help from technology. This is where AI and machine learning can help us.

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How to increase conversions on your product page?

Your product page is where most of your clients decide whether to purchase your product or leave your store. But, it's an often neglected part of sales.


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Why print on demand is the quickest way to sell t-shirts?

Print-on-demand is a great way to start an online business sitting at your home. Here is how you can start your print-on-demand t-shirt business.


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What is the process of product development?

Product development involves the complete process of creating and taking the product to the market. It also covers bringing an old product to the new market and renovating an existing product. Read further to find out about the complete process of product development.


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5 tips for achieving maximum comfort in your home

As winter plods along, you may wish you could rest until spring — and that might be more evident than any other time. In any case, there is a delight to be found in the calmer months of the season.

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